September 20, 2021 No matter what happens tonight Before polls closed on Sept 20, our campaign manager, Amara Possian, sent out one last e-mail with some reflections on the campaign.
September 16, 2021 BREAKING: Experts say Trudeau’s climate record & ambition is “highly insufficient” Yesterday, Climate Action Tracker released a new analysis that Trudeau’s climate record and ambition is “highly insufficient” and in line with 4ºC+ of warming.
September 10, 2021 The Climate Question Debate Moderators Should have Asked – Will You Keep it in the Ground? Last night, federal leaders gathered for the one and only English language debate of this election. The good news was that, for the first time...
September 9, 2021 How we picked key battlegrounds Key battlegrounds are close races where climate champions have the potential to defeat Liberal climate delayers and Conservative climate deniers.
September 9, 2021 Where do Canada’s federal political parties stand on climate? We wanted to provide you with a clear-eyed and honest take on the parties’ climate platforms and what they mean in the context of our...
August 31, 2021 7 game-changing candidates who can transform Canada’s climate politics These 7 Game Changers could upend the status quo of climate inaction in Canada but they are in some tough fights and they need your...
August 31, 2021 What makes a game changing climate champion in 2021? Game Changers are activists and social movement leaders who are running for office to address the roots of the climate crisis, inequality, and colonization. If...
August 20, 2021 What Makes a Climate Champion in 2021? On August 20th, 350 Canada announced our first set of endorsements for the 2021 election. These are our “defending champions,” the incumbent candidates who, over...
August 15, 2021 The election has been called, here’s what comes next This will be an election in the middle of a climate emergency. The stakes couldn’t be higher. That’s why I’m writing to let you know...
August 5, 2021 Our plan for the upcoming election We’re shifting from calling for a Climate Emergency Alliance between the NDP and Greens to building a Climate Emergency Voting Alliance. Because, like all the...