I’m on pins and needles. The final polls and projections from this election couldn’t be closer, including in many of the ridings where our climate champions have a real shot at winning. 

But no matter what happens tonight, I’m so proud of what we’ve achieved over the last few weeks. So, before we leap into what’s next, I wanted to take a moment to thank you so much for everything we’ve already achieved together. 

When the election was called five weeks ago, hundreds of you joined us for a mass call to kick off the Climate Emergency Voting Alliance, letting politicians know that all across this country people are ready to rally behind real climate champions. 

You made sure climate was front and centre in this election. 

Weeks before the election was even called, more than 40 communities across the country mobilized outside MP offices in response to this summer’s unprecedented heat and fires. The first Canada On Fire Day of Action made it clear to politicians from coast to coast that they can’t hide from this unfolding climate crisis.  

Then, in early September, we doubled down and organized another one. This time, more than 60 communities turned out, mobilizing from coast to coast just ahead of the Federal Leaders Debate. Over half the rallies were organized by first-time hosts! And, for the first time in history, we actually got a full climate segment in the leaders debate. 

You reached so many voters to help elect climate champions.

We endorsed 29 candidates who represent a different way of doing politics and have proven they have the courage to take on the climate crisis with the kind of big, bold thinking we need. So many of you worked so hard and so smart to unite the climate vote behind these champions by donating and volunteering directly with their campaigns, talking to your friends and family, and sending thousands of text messages to get out the vote.  

And, you did all this under tough circumstances. This election was called in the middle of a summer defined by climate disasters and on the cusp of the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Despite all the obstacles, we did something special together. We fought tooth and nail to get climate change on the agenda and forced all parties to chase the climate vote. Our movement is stronger than ever. We rose above partisan divides and party infighting, and focused on building people power in order to elect climate champions — and to hold every single MP accountable after the election. There’s no group of people I’d rather throw down with and I can’t wait to see what we do together next. 

Tonight, we’ll be keeping track of the results and posting updates about all our champions on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. And, we’ll be in touch again tomorrow morning with plans for what comes next.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

